Waddup 久违的解剖文案。

今天来解答你们对Art / AF的疑问。


今天要解答的是我们的超燃经典款 - AF001 Van.God。相信大家都大约认得出他是谁,没错他就是上世纪最伟大的画家 - 梵高。

我记得去年的今天我在发布后邀请你们Freakie 小飞仙们一起解答,为什么他会是AF.001。我大概收到了幾百個答案,只有一個答對。AF自然是Art Freak的縮寫,001也是因為他是第一幅,但你沒發現的是,當你把"."拿走,就換成了 A Fool。這和梵高的一生有關。


这份无畏和燃烧灵魂的精神,与我们Mindfreakxx团队的理念不谋而合。我们每一位成员都是“白日梦艺术家”,我们的艺术即是勇敢做梦,即使条件有限我们依然用着自己的方式实现梦想。即使被视作小丑,我们也无所畏惧,继续坚持我们的表演,永不止步——the show must go on!

这幅画传达的是愚者的心境——欲成大树,勿与草争;欲戴皇冠,必承其重。(顺便提一下,我们的品牌LOGO就是一个皇冠哦。)我们将梵高的精神与我们常听到的“别人对我们的看法”融合,创造了这幅作品。主色调为纯洁的蓝色与激情的粉红色碰撞,象征着造梦者的外在与内心情感。同时,我们在画作中留下了这一路走来的“感想”,其中最能代表我的一句是: "They are not saints, I'm not insane。"


Unveiling AF.001 Van-God: A Tribute to Van Gogh

Greetings, art enthusiasts, art-freaks! Today, we delve into the story behind our latest masterpiece in the ArtFreak (AF) series, shining a spotlight on our standout classic—AF.001 Van-God. (It was long overdue, but better late than never right)

// What’s in a Name? //

The term "ArtFreak" is a unique blend derived from "art-enthusiasts" and the essence of our brand, Mindfreakxx. This series embodies our commitment to merging vibrant creativity with an audacious spirit. Each piece in the AF collection is marked by our distinctive hand-drawn graffiti style, accentuated by a striking neon green “S” mark. With this collection, you can be assured of unparalleled swag and artistic flair.

AF001, the inaugural entry in this series, pays homage to one of the most iconic artists of the last century—Vincent van Gogh.

// The Significance of AF.001 //

Why Van Gogh? On this day last year, we posed this very question to you, our loyal Freakie followers. Hundreds of responses poured in, but only one hit the mark. While AF denotes ArtFreak and 001 signifies the series' debut, the real twist lies in removing the “dot” after the 001, revealing the phrase "A Fool." This alludes to Van Gogh's tumultuous journey.

// A Tribute to a Visionary //

Our artwork is a heartfelt tribute to Van Gogh, celebrating his relentless pursuit of dreams and unyielding commitment despite adversity. Van Gogh faced scorn and misunderstanding throughout his life, often branded a madman or a fool. Yet, he remained steadfast in his quest to translate his inner vision onto the canvas. Even in his final days, living in a mental asylum and enduring personal crises, Van Gogh’s spirit never wavered. Ironically, it was only after his death that his work gained widespread acclaim—a testament to the often-harrowing path of artists and pioneers.

// Aligning with Our Philosophy //

This fearless and burning spirit resonates deeply with the Mindfreakxx Stu6io team. Each member of our squad embodies the "daydreaming artist," pursuing dreams with courage and creativity despite constraints. We continue our performance with unyielding determination, embodying the mantra: “the show must go on!”

// The message //

AF.001 Van-God conveys the heart of the fool: “to become a great tree, don’t compete with the grass; to wear a crown, bear its weight.” (A quick note: our brand logo is indeed a crown!) By merging Van Gogh’s essence with the notion of public perception, we created a piece that reflects the clash of pure blue and passionate pink—symbols of the dreamer’s external presence and internal emotions. Embedded within the artwork are reflections of our journey, encapsulated by the phrase: "They are not saints, I'm not insane."

We are, indeed, clear-headed in our mission.

Stay tuned for more as we continue to celebrate and explore the art that shapes our “world”.

                         (Scroll down to order)