af.003, RISE
Freakism by art-freak collection
"They broke the wrong part of me; they broke my wings but forgot I had claws. Surprise~"
In life, we are always facing challenges, defeats, failure and betrayal. And we all heard this probably a thousand times - "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
A wiseman once said, you never really lose until you surrender. What defines us is how well we rise after failing. This painting is supposed to light up your inner fighter spirit to rise and never quit your battle. Show them (opponent, enemy, haters) how it was done, and tell them I always SURPRISE muthafxxkxx!!
On another note, MJ wants to pay homage to his favourite legendary artist - Jean Michelle Basquait. JMB spirit, aesthetics and work have always been big influences in MJ's work.
Now available in 2 versions. Black & Freakbox limited edition version. Freakbox version consists of 3 colors, Fancy Blue / Salt white / ???, it will be given out randomly by default. Only 66 pieces are available for Fancy Blue & Salt white. ??? Is a super rare color, and only 6 pieces are available in this raffle.
深色衣服请单独洗涤 无需浸泡 建议反面清洗
轻薄衣服请勿机洗 轻柔手洗或干洗 不可漂白
洗衣液多含荧光剂 易造成局部褪色or泛黄
拧干的时候不能太过于用力 不然会造成纤维扭曲
晾晒注意要反面晾挂在阴凉通风的地方 请不要太阳暴晒
PS:深浅衣物建议分开或单独洗涤 避免串色。
*Recommend Hand Wash/Cold Wash/Wash by Machine/Wash Separately with other colors/Do not iron directly on the graphic